Sunday, September 13, 2009

Old Material

My husband wrote this back in December 2008. RANT! Due to comments he followed it up with Follow up. He's rather unbiased about the case. We really didn't care about the shaman, but rereading left me feeling I'd wish I'd comment back then to point out a few details left unmentioned.

The guy was the only shaman in raid. His real competition was the RNG not us. (God, I hate that RNG I really do.) Any shaman mail that dropped was his... why argue over a pair of leather boots with stat itemization wasted on spirit? Rings and trinkets would have been foregone, but every piece of spell power mail or shield was his.

Also, the guy was going on the whole of two bosses about how his only non purple slots were shield and boots? I think. I really don't remember the other slot, only reassuring him that any and all shields he could use would be his(He was after all the only one that could use it!). I couldn't guarantee trinkets and rings as our own healers needed them and not say the shaman mail they can't wear.

Okay ~rant off~ In SK, our loot system, the RNG is your opponent. In order for the other healers to gear they drop for their cloth/leather pushing you to the top. If that ring/trinket drops then guess who gets it? You(cheer), then you go on bottom. If that's followed up with mail. Guess who's the resto shaman? You again, you drop on bottom again... oh, no, you're at the bottom, so you can't go anywhere and the cycle continues, so you got two loots for the position of one! And it works like that with all trinkets and rings: tank, melee, caster/healer. ~rant free zone end~

That's one of the reasons every pug I've ever seen is stunned at the end of a farm run. They literally get every piece of gear they could have possibly used for anything. The rest is sharded. We've geared main and offsets off lucky runs.

Yes, we use a priority system to back up the guild's progression, but by the same token we don't shard something if there's a chance anyone in raid could use it.

Currently since I'm the other tank for the guild on my prot pally I was swooping up spell plate/mail by the armfuls... Literally because no one but me could use it and at this point, it really doesn't matter. I had to share with a PUG shaman, who recently joined our guild. And nowasays, I actually feel bad if she's not there to roll main against my off. She needs it way more than I ever could! She's the one healing my ass in the fight. ^_^ <3 Maaline

I don't know. I think the people that worship purples can go to hell. I'd rather take a person in full blues that's pleasant and puts their heart into it over a cold bastard that just wants his sparklies. Guildmates that don't piss you off every other word outta their mouth are infinitely more precious than a greedy loot whore. God, I hate those casters that yank an upgrade from you for an extra hit piece to play with. Sidegrade, like wth lrn2share NUB!

Oh, and before you say anything about me being a loot whore. I dedicate all of my enchant materials to my guildies and gems. I enchant them and gem them for free! In fact I get mad if they're running around without since all they have to do is ask U_U

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Next please!

Well there goes a whole 'nother month of tomorrows. I predicted that safely. I've been posting twice a month *whince* on Falcynne's blog. I need to get over there and post on downing Freya which we did last night!

I'm trying to work out a way to still play wow and keep up with the housework. It's in the works. I'll get there.

In other news, WoW has been boring me. Maybe if we manage to steal Yogg from the other 10 man only guilds I'll be fired up. It'd be kinda ironic to make a comeback after that long break.

I might have to restart my story as there was no plot and I've nothing to carry the characters on with. Another reason I've no posted here. Sorry! *bows*

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well, I have been tanking on my paladin, Falcynne, we've cleared out the first bit of Ulduar. We tried the Iron Council and Hodir last night. The result was a total wipe festival. Nevermind we were attempting to 7 man it. I love Savant; we're dedicated group. Everyone wants to succeed on downing new content. Too bad all the tank plate has been dropping. I'm scooping up all the tank loot and the others need to be geared up so we can get farther. Hopefully some hunter/plate dps gear will drop. Caster cloth for mah healing buddies! It's really not that bad considering we took a 2.5 month break right before Ulduar, and that we're still short 1.5 healers every raid night (there's only three nights).

I've started a mild rp front for her. She's dating Sarnguu, a Draenai warrior. ^_^ Two plate toting people that like swords should get along, right? Sarnguu is watching over her shaman sister, Eirae, who has taken a liking to Verin, Sarnguu's insane brother. I can't wait until Falcy drives her sword through his gut, oh wait, (she wasn't going to do that, wasn't going to do that.) I'm going to try to start a rp blog maybe I'll be able to keep up with that better?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tea for tomorrow; tea for today

I made tea for tomorrow; only to find it half gone this morning. *sigh* Mayhap I shall do that every night do something in preparation for tomorrow to see if it's half done, half undone or still there.

Rema crept from the room softly. Her slippers made no noise as she crossed the hallway making her way to the back stairs leading from the ground. She refused to be seen as a weak ninny. They thought to control her keep and her along with it; well she'd show them her strength. Anger flashed before her eyes hiding the stone upon the stair. Treading carelessly upon it, she fell the remainder of the case landing at the foot three feet below. Her shrill cry sounded through the barren walls summoning foot soldiers positioned around the area. The novice lieutenant shook his head as the Lady Rema was set to rights whilst abusing the hands that helped her. Lord Canrik would be displeased to hear of her misadventure.

"T'would be better if'n his Lordship sealed her in a convent, me'thinks", drawled Henry restaining her amid unladylike curses. Lt. Devon glared at the man's audicaty, "Mayhap, ye should leave such remarks unsaid." Roughly he seize her elbow and pulled her back up the stairs calling eight of the more trustworthy men to him. They hurriedly flanked him as he told them to guard her room. "She's not to leave this room." He crossed the room pulling Lady Rema to the balcony. He posted four of the men at the balcony and four at the door before proceeding to leave. By now the indignation of being hauled back into her chamber had settled and Lady Rema proceeded to throw thing at him with fury. "I'll not stay here and be pawn to this any further!" "As if any one of us had a choice!" he said furiously. She meekly turned from him with that response her tears overwhelming her. Ignoring her, he strode from the room. Rick, his second, nodded to Devon as he passed.

She was safe for now and that was the only thing that mattered.